Chef of nimanohillside

The Chef – Natalie Honig

Natalie started at Nimano Hillside in 2020. With her lovely manner and passion to food, she creates mouth watering dishes from Monday to Friday from 10am to 12.30pm (excl. public holidays).

Natalie enjoys experimenting with ingredients having the perfect balance of spices and flavours. She creates delicious new food combinations but has also become a specialist in cooking our staple meals such as a unforgettable pasta bolognese sauce or on healthier days a light summer salad with a variety of fruits and nuts.

Natalie is very versatile and can adapt easily to new tastes and menu wishes. Our Austrian and German influences has made Natalie an expert in cooking “Viennese Schnitzel” and “German Rouladen”. Natalie enjoys using herbs and vegetables from our garden to create wholesome dishes.

Natalie has a chocolatier background and specialised part of her career in preparing delightful desserts. Her creation of strawberry truffles will leave you speechless and with potentially some extra kilos at the end of your stay.